baby ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

2013年3月21日 星期四

2013畢業典禮歌- A beautiful day

See the sun shinning in the window,
Time to start a new day.
Can't you hear the song bird singing?
They're gonna sing out loud and say:
It's a beautiful day for running in the sun,
A beautiful day has just begun.
A beautiful day to do what I want to do-o-o-o.
It's a beautiful day just to be alive,
A beautiful day so glad that I've got
A beautiful day and I'd like to share it with you!
.... I'd like to share it with -- you!
Look around there's a world of beauty,
From the mountains to the sea.
And there's a wonder around every corner,
Awaiting there for you and me -
And ...


宸宸的成長Part I